contract AccessRestriction { // These will be assigned at the construction // phase, where `msg.sender` is the account // creating this contract. //以下变量将在构造函数中赋值 //msg.sender是你的账户 //创建本合约 address public owner = msg.sender; uint public creationTime = now; // Modifiers can be used to change // the body of a function. // If this modifier is used, it will // prepend a check that only passes // if the function is called from // a certain address.//修饰符可以用来修饰函数体,如果使用该修饰符,当该函数被其他地址调用时将会先检查是否允许调用(译注:就是说外部要调用本合约有修饰符的函数时会检查是否允许调用,比如该函数是私有的则外部不能调用。)
modifier onlyBy(address _account) { if (msg.sender != _account) throw; // Do not forget the "_"! It will // be replaced by the actual function // body when the modifier is invoked. //account变量不要忘了“_” _ } /// Make `_newOwner` the new owner of this /// contract. //修改当前合约的宿主 function changeOwner(address _newOwner) onlyBy(owner) { owner = _newOwner; } modifier onlyAfter(uint _time) { if (now < _time) throw; _ } /// Erase ownership information. /// May only be called 6 weeks after /// the contract has been created. //清除宿主信息。只能在合约创建6周后调用 function disown() onlyBy(owner) onlyAfter(creationTime + 6 weeks) { delete owner; } // This modifier requires a certain // fee being associated with a function call. // If the caller sent too much, he or she is // refunded, but only after the function body. // This is dangerous, because if the function // uses `return` explicitly, this will not be // done! //该修饰符和函数调用关联时需要消耗一部分费用。调用者发送的多余费用会在函数执行完成后返还,但这个是相当危险的,因为如果函数 modifier costs(uint _amount) { if (msg.value < _amount) throw; _ if (msg.value > _amount) msg.sender.send(_amount - msg.value); } function forceOwnerChange(address _newOwner) costs(200 ether) { owner = _newOwner; // just some example condition if (uint(owner) & 0 == 1) // in this case, overpaid fees will not // be refunded return; // otherwise, refund overpaid fees }}